
When: Wednesdays, September – May
Where: Children’s Building
Suggested Fee: $25 covers cost of books, supplies, and uniform. (Participants can visit without paying the registration fee).
What Is Awana
AWANA is a children’s ministry that seeks to reach kids for Christ through fun, Scripture-rich experiences that lead them to know, love, and serve Him. AWANA uses Scripture memory and Biblical familiarity to make an impact in the lives of children and their families. Each child uses a handbook (guide) to learn Scripture, truths from the Bible, and how to use the Bible. As scripture is memorized and lessons are completed in the workbook, children earn awards to signify each step through the handbook.
But Awana is not just for children, it’s also for parents, grandparents, and other adult volunteers who desire to make an impact in the lives of kids. We provide training and resources to help adult volunteers lead and mentor children in their faith journey.
For Kids Of All Ages
With resources and curriculum for children ages 2 through 5th grade, Awana introduces biblical truths and develops a respect for God, His Son and His Word ultimately teaching them to live a life of wisdom and grace.

For Toddlers
Puggles® recognizes the learning ability of two and three year olds by introducing biblical concepts at church and equipping families to teach them at home. This year-long preschool ministry curriculum features playful activities, engaging songs and simple crafts as well as take-home resources.

For Preschoolers
Cubbies® nurtures the budding faith of preschoolers and celebrates their desire to explore all that God has created. This two year preschool ministry curriculum features exciting games, storytelling, puppet shows, and biblical teaching as well as take-home activities and tools.

Grades K-2
Sparks® ignites a child’s curiosity about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. This three year early elementary school ministry curriculum features exciting games, engaging activities, biblical teaching and media resources for kids and leaders.

Grades 3-5
T&T® explores the concept of grace by focusing on the character and nature of God, identity of Christ, as well as the structure and format of the Bible. This three year upper elementary school ministry curriculum is created to ensure that kids and leaders connect through God’s Word.
Week-To-Week At Awana
Awana offers three major activities to help children grow in their faith: during large group time, kids learn biblical truths through engaging lessons and music; in small group time, they have the opportunity to develop relationships with mentors and peers while exploring the Bible in depth; and during activity time, they get to have fun playing games and participating in other age-appropriate activities.
Why Should My Child Participate In Awana?
Enrolling your child in Awana Ministry can be one of the best decisions you make for your family’s spiritual growth. Children who participate in AWANA will be learning and memorizing scripture on a weekly basis and giving parents more of an opportunity to have spiritual conversations with them at home. This allows them to be better equipped to follow Jesus and hide God’s Word in their heart, which will stay with them throughout their entire life.
Not only will your child have the opportunity to learn about God’s love and grow in their faith, but the entire family can benefit from the experience. As parents, you’ll have the chance to get involved in your child’s spiritual journey and meet other families who share your values. You’ll also have access to resources and training that can help you become better equipped to lead your family in faith. And as your child progresses through the program, you’ll see them develop important skills like memorization, teamwork, and leadership that will benefit them for a lifetime.
So don’t wait any longer – enroll your child in Awana Ministry today and experience the transformational impact it can have on your entire family’s life.