Campers On Mission

Campers On Mission (COM) stands as a beacon of Christian fellowship and service, both nationally and within North Carolina. As a chapter of this esteemed organization, North Carolina Campers On Mission (NCCOM) offers believers of all denominations the chance to unite in fellowship and extend their service beyond the confines of traditional church walls. While these campers embark on their missions from their respective congregations, they find solidarity and guidance through COM, utilizing it as a vital tool for organization, fellowship, and training.

The primary aim of North Carolina Campers on Mission is threefold: to foster a sense of community and support among evangelical Christian campers, to equip and empower them to share their faith and values while on the go, whether on vacation, during recreational outings, or while engaged in short or long-term mission projects, and to provide ample opportunities for mission and service. Embracing the evangelical doctrine of salvation through Jesus Christ’s atonement, NCCOM encourages its members to spread the Gospel message through their words and deeds.

Through collaboration with churches, associations, and COM Areas across the state, North Carolina Campers on Mission actively facilitates the planning of various projects and rallies. These initiatives aim to mobilize campers at the local, associational, state, and national levels, fostering a spirit of unity and purpose among believers as they work together to advance the kingdom of God. With a commitment to fellowship, service, and evangelism, NCCOM continues to be a driving force for positive change within the camping community and beyond.