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The Adult Bible Fellowship (Sunday School) Director serves as the general administrative lead-er who is responsible for providing general oversight of all aspects of the Adult Bible Fellow-ship ministry. The director is responsible for coordinating and guiding the work of all Adult Bi-ble Fellowship classes toward meeting its overarching objective as established by the Senior Pastor and Elders including providing studies that are grounded in the Word, sound in doctrine and faithful in the manner in which it is being taught.

Accountable to: Senior Pastor and Elders.

Responsibilities of the Adult Bible Fellowship Director

  1. Meet as needed with the Senior Pastor, Elders and other pastoral staff to evaluate the work of the Adult Bible Fellowship classes and establish goals as well set the agenda for planning meetings with the teachers.
  2. Plan and lead at least one meeting (or more as may be needed) of all the Adult Bible Fellowship teachers/leaders for the purpose of planning, organizing, enlisting, equip-ping leaders and mobilizing members to achieve goals toward the stated objectives.
  3. Lead in efforts to encourage leaders and call participants into service.
  4. Lead in enlisting and developing new teachers/leaders.
  5. Lead in evaluating needs related to space, budget, curriculum, supplies and other re-sources; recommend needed actions.
  6. Set a positive example for others by living as an authentic witness of Christ and through full involvement in the life and ministry of the church.