Together We Go
Investing In God’s Kingdom
In response to God’s call, we are thrilled to launch our kingdom-focused capital campaign: “Together We Go.” This initiative is far more than a mere campaign; it is the embodiment of our future, a shared dream of what God intends to do through our collective efforts – as individuals, as families, and as a church community.
Our goal? To pay off our church mortgage, liberating resources to further God’s work and extend His kingdom. This step is vital in expanding our biblically grounded ministries and embracing those whom God brings into our fold.

Together We Go
Investing In God’s Kingdom
In response to God’s call, we are thrilled to launch our kingdom-focused capital campaign: “Together We Go.” This initiative is far more than a mere campaign; it is the embodiment of our future, a shared dream of what God intends to do through our collective efforts – as individuals, as families, and as a church community.
Our goal? To pay off our church mortgage, liberating resources to further God’s work and extend His kingdom. This step is vital in expanding our biblically grounded ministries and embracing those whom God brings into our fold.
Campaign Resources
We invite you to be an integral part of “Together We Go.” Envision with us what God can achieve through Good Hope as we unite in spirit and purpose. Your involvement, your prayers, and your commitment are crucial. On this dedicated webpage, you’ll find a wealth of resources – downloadable materials, inspiring videos, and more – all designed to keep you informed, engaged, and excited about our journey together.
Campaign Videos
Pastor Allen McClure
Felton Yeargan
Pavel Kim
Nathan Castaneda
Jay Molina
Doris Upchurch