Home Builders Sunday Morning Small Group

Building community while building our homes on the foundation of Christ.


The Home Builders Sunday Morning Small Group Bible Study invites you to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in Room G111 as we launch into a study of the Book of Daniel.  The Book of Daniel records the life of a young Jewish boy who was taken captive at the age of approximately 15 years old by a foreign pagan king as God sent the nation of Israel into exile for 70 years.  Daniel records how God would use this faithful Jewish boy throughout his life as he shines like a star in the spiritually dark setting of Babylon.  Won’t you join us next Sunday morning as we come together so that we might grow together into the likeness of Christ?  This class is tailored to those singles or married with children in the home but is open to anyone.  Please come and enjoy community with other believers at a similar life stage. For more information, contact Scott Adams at  S63Adams@gmail.com.

Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”


We encourage you to arrive around 9am, enjoy a coffee and share a few minutes of fellowship before we begin our prayers and study around 9:15 a.m.