Home Builders Sunday Morning Small Group

Sunday Morning Small Group @ 9:00 am – Room G111
Building community while building our homes on the foundation of Christ
Home Builders is a Sunday morning small group that is geared toward those who are, as well as those whose community of friends are, in that young family stage of life (generally speaking of those married or single from their late 20’s to 40’s).  But this small group bible study is open to anyone and everyone.  YOU are welcome to join us no matter what your age!Home Builders offers an expositional line-by-line study through scripture as we seek to know God by carefully studying what he has revealed to us about himself in his written Word.  Just as religion without a relationship lacks what our souls need, a house without community falls short of the spiritual home we seek among other believers.  Won’t you join us in building a home of faith in Jesus Christ, strengthened by a community of believers who share a similar stage in life?

Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”

Home Builders meet in Room G111 every Sunday morning.  We encourage you to arrive around 9am, enjoy a coffee and share a few minutes of fellowship before we begin our prayers and study around 9:10am.

Scott Adams leads the Home Builders small group study.  If you have any questions regarding Home Builders, please contact Scott at (919) 868-8898 or S63Adams@gmail.com.