Music Ministry

“An effective worship leader, aided and led by the Holy Spirit, skillfully combines Biblical Truth with music to magnify the worth of God and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, thereby motivating the gathered church to join him in proclaiming and cherishing the Truth about God and seeking to live all of life for the glory of God.” (Bob Kauflin, Sovereign Grace Ministries)
As members of Good Hope’s music and worship ministry, we have an awesome calling, for we as music and worship leaders together make up the worship team whose purpose is to live lives of worship that we hope would point others to Him. The members of our team have been given a great opportunity. And what a responsibility–one that we do not take lightly. Yes, it requires time and great effort, but it is worth it. He is worth it!
The music and worship ministry plays a vital role in the life of Good Hope. We offer vibrant, God-honoring and scripturally-based music. Although our Sunday morning worship service music tends to be more contemporary than traditional, we claim to be neither and we are drawn to both. Our purpose is to lift up and glorify God through music and the Word as we lead others into His presence. Our aim is to point people to Him. We are honored to serve in this calling. We take this responsibility seriously.
At Good Hope, you will find that worshiping the Lord through music is a priority for all ages. We have two children’s choirs (Sunbeams and Grace Notes), an exciting student ministry worship team, a talented and committed worship team for Sunday morning services, a dynamic adult worship choir as well as an active and faithful Gospel choir for our senior adults. In addition, we have a faithful AV team that supports our music and worship teams.
If you have a passion for worship and for singing or playing God’s praise, then we would welcome you to join our music and worship leadership team. You will find a true church family atmosphere. We love each other and truly do life together. We laugh (a lot), pray (a lot) and even cry together (sometimes). Ask choir members and they will tell you that some of their most fulfilling and joy-filled times is spent with their fellow team members doing ministry together. We truly value sweet times of Spirit-filled worship.
Over the years, God has abundantly blessed Good Hope by bringing people to Good Hope from all nations and backgrounds and putting them into place in the worship ministry for His purposes. Maybe He’s bringing you here for this same purpose; maybe you’re the next piece He’s putting into Good Hope’s worship ministry’s puzzle. A vocalist? An instrumentalist? Someone who feels called to run slides or the sound board? Please prayerfully consider joining us. And if He’s leading you our way, hurry and come on. We’ve no time to waste. We hope to welcome you into our ministry soon!
To learn more about the guidelines for serving in Good Hope’s music and worship ministry as well as the day-to-day logistics for all members, please refer to the Ministry Covenant and Guidelines below.
For more information, contact Luanne Adams.