Results Expected

To oversee the Financial Gifts given to the Church and to make sure that we use these gifts to further the growth of God’s Kingdom in an appropriate and spiritual way.

Accountable to: Senior Pastor, Elders, Church.

Team Roles and Responsibilities

Team includes one paid staff person (Financial Secretary) and volunteers. Member serve a 3-year term with one-year sabbatical.
1) Team needs people with accounting experience or a desire to help facilitate church ministry funds.
2) Be a consistent tither of your own gifts from The Lord.
3) Count the offering every Sunday and take deposits to the bank. Treasurer prepares a schedule so it is divided up with all team members.
4) Meet quarterly (or as needed) to assist with ministry purchases to follow budgetary guidelines.
5) Be faithful in attendance and involvement in all ministries and aspects of church life.
6) In the fall, meet weekly to work on budget setting with Treasurer.
7) By November 1, have proposed budgets for all ministries to review to send to Elders.
8) Budgets need to be finalized before Thanksgiving and submitted to church by mid-December prior to a 2-week review by church members (per the constitution).
9) Coordinate church fund raising campaigns (as needed and approved by the Elders).

Responsibilities of the Chairperson
1) Maintains spreadsheet and helps to make recommendations based on ministry needs.
2) Works closely with Treasurer monthly to review finances.
3) Partners with The Elders during the budget process.
4) Helps to approve any budget line if they go over budget.