Results Expected

This team of greeters will make sure that everyone attending Good Hope on Sunday mornings (members and visitors) and at special events will be warmly welcomed.

Accountable to: Senior Pastor, Elders, Church.

Team Roles and Responsibilities

1) Members are assigned a week to greet each month.
2) Members are assigned a specific door (2 front doors and 1 side door, each leading into the FLC).
3) Members are assigned a specific time for greeting:
a. Before Sunday School: 8:45 – 9:05
b. Before Worship Service: 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
4) Members will wear a Greeter’s Lanyard.
5) Members serving before Sunday School will help visitors to find an appropriate Sunday School class and will walk the person(s) to the Sunday School chosen from a laminated copy of Sunday School classes offered.
6) Members can find their lanyard and the laminated page of Sunday School classes on the 1st shelf inside the credenza next to the men’s restroom. Please return your lanyard back when finished.
7) Members will find a replacement within the team should they need to swap a Sunday. They will also call or text the team captain to let her know who swapped with them.
8) Members will be given a list of the committee with phone numbers.
9) Members will help anyone entering the FLC who requires assistance with a wheelchair, out of the car, or finding a seat in the Worship area.

Responsibilities of the Chairperson

1) Works with members to make a schedule for the year.
2) Texts reminders mid-week who are scheduled to greet that Sunday morning.
3) Schedules greeters for special events when notified by the pastor.
4) Checks each door (before Sunday School and Worship Service) to make sure greeters are posted. If anyone is missing, chairperson will fill in or find someone else to fill in.
5) If the chairperson cannot be there on a Sunday morning, she will have someone cover for her.
6) Makes changes when deemed necessary by the Elders.