Results Expected

To yield a high percentage of church members to engage in using their spiritual gifts to serve within Good Hope Baptist Church.

Accountable to: Senior Pastor, Elders, Church.

Team Roles and Responsibilities

1) Meet regularly throughout the year.
2) Consists of three church members serving a rotating three-year term with one-year sabbatical.
3) Beginning in January, plan a year-long process of prayerfully considering reviewing positions within the church and needs for moving forward in a Spirit-led manner.
4) Meet with pastors/staff to plan how to receive feedback and plan spiritual gift assessment, teaching, recruiting for the year.
5) Set a target percentage of church member participation in serving each year.
6) Engage and encourage the congregation to serve, utilizing church-wide activities (such as a Ministry Fair), and individual discussions.
7) Works with communication team to promote within the church.
8) Actively use spiritual gifts assessment to identify potential volunteers for specific minis-tries.

Responsibilities of the Chairperson

1) Works with members to schedule meetings as needed.
2) Communicates vision of nominating process to team members and works with pas-tor/communication team to communicate that comprehensive vision to/inspire the church.
3) Assign teams/contacts to each nominating team member. Team members will reach out to the leaders of each ministry team to coordinate filling positions for the coming church year. (Some ministry team leaders will fill their own team positions – ex. Children, students, music and worship, finance.)
4) Works closely with Elders to assist/suggest as needed.
5) Prepares final Nominating Report to be given to the Church Administrative Assistant in a timely manner so the Elders can have two weeks to review (preferably by July 1). The report must be presented to the church for review two weeks prior to voting on or before September 1st.